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The Giant Slide or Dropper as one might say

The Giant Slide or Dropper as one might say


For your vacation, you wanted to visit a tropical island. But as the plane began landing, everything got bigger and bigger.... “no!” you realize. “I’m shrinking!” The plane landed and you stepped out. Then you hear a voice: “Get yur pamphlets here!” So you did. As you tottled over to a chair to examine the map, you see a ginormous sign saying “Teleport Back To YOUR Hometown!” That sounded exciting. You just wanted to get back to your Fun Forest, after all. When you FINALLY got the pamphlet open, you realize that the Teleporter was at the bottom of a dropper. At least there was a system to get up.
You give the pamphlet back to the giant behind the booth, and your journey begins.

Published: 29-05-2020Updated: 29-05-2020


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