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Cherry obby

Cherry obby


Hey Ice Gang welcome back to another amazing game! As you know every week I give out a shoutout to one of my followers! So this weeks follower is @zoe22 Congrats and thank you for being my 100th follower. If you guys want more awesome games and a chance to get a shoutout you must follow me! Thank you so much. Now @Satchmosax could you please look into featuring this game. I worked so so much on it and think you will like it! And also since valentines day is here, i decided to release a game for that as well. Then you guys may look into a valentine's game! Enjoy the game Ice Gang. Oh By the way my fans are called the ice gang which gives you another reason to follow me to receive that wonderful name! Enjoy!

Published: 14-02-2022Updated: 14-02-2022


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