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The Sewers Part 3, The Sewer Slider

The Sewers Part 3, The Sewer Slider


It feels like an eternity since you first entered the sewers. Do you remember the surface? The fresh air, the grass and the sound of seagulls. Maybe the fume´s been clouding your mind. It´s all so foggy now...

The metal starting to feel more and more stiff and lifeless, hurting your feet as you walk forward. You starting to prefer the depths and darkness. The stench don´t bother you, the thick air feels soft upon your skin and the slime don´t hurt you anymore, it makes you stronger and faster!! Could it be that you adapted to living underground?

Do you even want to reach the surface anymore?

Part 1: https://hiberworld.com/p/2BWDhuY3E
Part 2: https://hiberworld.com/p/2Aagv9O20

Published: 03-07-2020Updated: 03-07-2020


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