Neon Wonderland Racing Special!
Just like the world from my Member Friend, @ChloePoorCatTV 's world: 'Winter Wonderland Roller Coaster Special!', it is also a racing game. In this game, I'll be fair. I'll give you speed boosts. But only if you keep a promise. If you do not cheat, (I didn't put rings bc its a test if you'll cheat or not.) I'll follow you. But if you cheat, then I will not follow you. Because I don't follow people that cheat. and you'd die because I don't like you cheating and you'll have to do it the right way. But good luck to you both Cheaters and Non-Cheaters!
Shoutouts to my dearest friends and followers
@ChloePoorCatTV (Of course)
@ImposterRichCatTV and
This world is locked!
To learn how to unlock it, follow the instructions in the level description.