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Escape the unknown place

Escape the unknown place


You woke up in this place and you don't know where you are. You think you are in a dream. You go around the unknown place a bit, the place is.. kinda off? you try to wake up but then you realize you're not in a dream, this is reality. But, you refused to believe it and shrug it off. You then hear some people talking. You eavesdrop on the conversation then you realize the people you brought you here are bad people.. Then you here that they are going to go out to meet some people associated with them. They go outside the entrance while you're hiding behind the wall.
While they're gone you HAVE to escape

They are gone for 3 minutes and 20 seconds.
They will take 10 seconds to come inside

Be quick

Published: 22-01-2025Updated: 22-01-2025


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