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Alien Expedition- A Meeting With The Aliens

Alien Expedition- A Meeting With The Aliens


HiberHQ has started studying the planet, KP-193. Scientists were working, however, no one knows how they got disapperared, seems like there are aliens. Alien structures were found. And the ocean has a different colour, must have a different chemical formula- it has- ClHOCCa , I don't know but this is the formula. You were sent to search for them, but in the meanwhile you might have to get keys and clues.... And the opening chests outside. You must get the teleporter to find where they are, and you are gonna meet aliens. You will see them at the last! So, be careful and keep your weapons ready! Get ready, rescue team!

NOTE:- It contains both keys and goals and weapons. and please @HiberOfficial please make it a daily shooter-good luck!

Published: 31-08-2024Updated: 31-08-2024


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