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A Game Of Search- The Lost Pieces Of HiberNite - Match Edition

A Game Of Search- The Lost Pieces Of HiberNite - Match Edition


One day, a big meteor struck HiberWorld's surface, causing a great destruction to the nearby areas. It was about the size of two storeys in a building. When it entered the atmosphere, it broke into many pieces, maybe about thirty. All the pieces, when struck the ground, again broke into many pieces, those bounced back. We took it to the Parliament Of Hiber. The most honored @HiberOfficial said that it should be checked thoroughly and carefully. Then, we understood that it is the HiberNite, a rock, stone or meteor or anything different from other rocks, who had these properties. It is so powerful that it can destroy the whole HiberWorld. Knowing it, enemies are trying to collect all the pieces to destroy the world. Can you collect it?

Published: 05-05-2024Updated: 05-05-2024


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