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Antonio's Home

Antonio's Home


Antonio was a little boy, lived in a village of Grace. who was with his father. living in a small house. Antonio is a good artist and loves to care about nature. One day, he draw a house with walls made of glass and with plants. when he showed it to his father, his father said "I-I'm sorry Antonio but we can't afford this house, its too expensive" so he walked away and back in his room. "What should i do?". Asked Antonio, so he had an idea. "why not we do all the Jobs and i can earn money" so he did all the work. washing dishes, selling fruits, taking care of the plants and all. he earned lots of money, then, he showed the money and the drawing to his dad "Antonio, Great Job! we now have money for a new house" so they live happily ever afte

Published: 26-10-2023Updated: 26-10-2023


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