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Ljudbyran & Mystery Garden Island Festival 2023

Ljudbyran & Mystery Garden Island Festival 2023


Among the cranes and rust, salty winds and the clatter of Gothenburg outside, Ljudbyrån is located in the heart of Ringön. Just by the docks. The sound of the harbor and the city creates a special creativity out here. It is life and movement, but still an almost magical calm that allows our creativity to flow freely.

We work with sound design, voice recordings and music on both large and small projects and have been doing so together, for over 20 years. Our equipment is the absolute best, but nothing we brag about, as we believe that it is the experience and quality behind the levers & knobs that decides whether a production will succeed. Welcome to give your next project a little more Ringö feel!

Published: 22-08-2023Updated: 29-08-2023


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