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Geysers at Triton

Geysers at Triton


Galaxy Getaway - Part II

Your escape from Europa was a HUGE success! However, your lunar module started malfunctioning and your space compass got messed up, so instead of heading to Earth, you headed further away from it.. without realizing.

Along the journey, your spacecraft suddenly ran out of fuel and crashed on Triton, one of Neptune's moons. You've packed an extra vat, but the 7 keys got scattered in the crash!

Triton is yet another vast waterworld, and it can be a little hard to see the geysers. FOLLOW THE SPARKLES. You'll need to bounce on the geysers' surfaces to get the keys. Find them all and return to your spacecraft to continue your Space Odyssey!

*This isn't scientifically accurate!

Published: 05-10-2023Updated: 05-10-2023


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