Do you dare to stay five nights?
Do you dare to follow the instructions of Ennard and CB(CircusBaby)?
Blu Button = Light
Red Button = Shock
Characters besides me: Funtime Freddy Bon-Bon Ballora (ClaraAfton) CB (CircusBaby/ElizabethAfton) Nightguard Bidybab 1 and 2 Minireena 1 and 2
Dare to even stay?
1st - 3rd nights is checking on animatronics
4th is watching animatronics being scooped and being in a animatronic suit
5th is you get scooped
INTRUCTIONS FOR 1-3 NIGHTS: Light to check if animatronics are there Shock to get the animatronics back on stage
INTRUCTIONS FOR 3RD NIGHT: go thru balloras room and go to ft Freddy’s room DO NOT USE PC IF FREDDY IS TALKING!
Rest of instructions in comments
Published: 19-02-2023Updated: 20-02-2023