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A Snowy Village BF22

A Snowy Village BF22


Hiya guys!! Did ya miss me? Well, I'm back for the Big Freeze!
This game is another playground - my specialty.
Location: A quiet forest
Jobs: Farming, woodcutting and pottery
Housing: The big house is the headman's, and there are a few little houses around it. The ones with boxes and barrels (drinks) are the storage barns. Available: All year-round, cold all the time.
Heating: Cosy campfires and ovens
Breakfast - Porridge
Lunch - Pie, any flavor, preferably apple
Dinner - Roasted Beef with Hot Cocoa
Water Source: Mostly wells, but occasionally ice pond water
Hope you like it!
Shoutout to @Elsa246810Anu

Published: 18-12-2022Updated: 25-12-2022


Game settings has been updated

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