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Superstar Daycare

Superstar Daycare


It is the daycare! d0n't w0rry there's a place f0r pe0ple of all ages (besides adults hehe) I sundr0p am the daycare attendant, I will be there n0t all the time, but a l0t of times and I am very excited t0 see you guys ar0und! there are a l0t of fun things t0 d0 and expl0re, just d0n't break the rules, and we can have a blast! I am l00king f0rward to meeting y0u all at the superstar daycare! hehe I h0pe y0u enj0y it as much as me! and remember, your l0ved! n0 matter wh0 you are! :D

Published: 11-12-2022Updated: 12-12-2022


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