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Ultimate Insane Mount Hiber Climbing Challenge

Ultimate Insane Mount Hiber Climbing Challenge


Mount Hiber is the biggest most dangerous mountain in Hiberworld.You set off on an adventure to be the first Hiberian to climb to the top.But you also have 5 gems to collect along the way.Make sure to pay attention, look all around you, and not go to fast because you'll miss gems and checkpoints.Also, make sure to rest at all 3 rest stops because there will be a checkpoint at each stop and maybe even a gem.Rest stop 1:Ancient Temple.Rest stop 2:Small Shack.Rest stop 3:Small Modern House.Top of Mount Hiber:Big Modern Party House. At spawn beside you is a small shop with a gem and the equipment you'll need for your glorious quest.[I know it doesn't really look like a mountain, just a hollow one but just think of it as one].Goodluck Climber!

Published: 24-09-2022Updated: 24-09-2022


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