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Climbing The Sky Through The Rainbow Obby - RO21

Climbing The Sky Through The Rainbow Obby - RO21


Hey Guys! I came with an another game. Thanks to @ciberworld , @mattias and @per to help in previous game. Story Begins - You are the richest person in a village. You have 7 gems, there were all in one one color - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink and purple. You are traveling in an aeroplane. There was a wizard beside your seat. He was a cunning person! He did his magic and sent you in a magical rainbow sky. Your gems were lost in the sky. You should go to your home back. Work : Step 1 - Go through the rainbow obby from the sky.
Step 2 - Collect your 7 colorful gems.
Step 3 - Go to goal.
Step 4 - Win!

Published: 24-03-2021Updated: 25-03-2021

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