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Chinese vs Indian rap

Chinese vs Indian rap


Indian man:hey u st#pid ch$nk u eyes so small I can’t tell when u blink u smell like when I don’t wash my pits since u eat anything how about eat my sh do u do anything beside play dota I h@ck ur server and mega ki11 ya rap battle me u must be confused go be like ur daughter and make me Nike shoes China man:huh Nike shoe don’t look good on u come back to me after u can afford to buy food because everyone no India no money then start working hard and stop drinking the Thani I took ur girl and ate her with my fried rice u can buy India with the right price whatever u can do I can do better we don’t have a call center India man:ey boi u have no eyebrow I was with ur girl does this smell like Kung pow? Ur country have aids

Published: 13-03-2021Updated: 13-03-2021


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