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BYE GUYS IM LEAVING THIS account my friend will use it bye

BYE GUYS IM LEAVING THIS account my friend will use it bye


bye guys im leaving hiber forever heh my friend and i work together and this is his account not mine though so you can see ill lave but one thing i love hiber and the important one i love my friends i always cheerful for ya all so uh i think im having a bad time now heh the jokes on me so uh if you mess with my friend your gonna have a bad time heh hes powerful like me watch out hahah hes name is dan so uh goodbye i love hiber and if you think my other account @papyrus_sans1 you will meet me there haha yes but just for 1 year ill not play hiber see ya l o v e you all su_ckers

Published: 31-01-2021Updated: 31-01-2021


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