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I Have an Idea To Help Out Meh Friends—TheGamingPharaoh

I Have an Idea To Help Out Meh Friends—TheGamingPharaoh


I decided that if anyone wants a cool ‘end of description’ sentence to end their exciting game, I figured, “Hey, why not help out some of my friends and make their lives easier!” So that’s exactly what I’m going to do for you guys!!! All you have to do is comment #CoolEndDescriptionSentence (just random thing I made up XD) and I will come to your rescue to make your life 20% easier and cooler! ;D Hope this helps you as much as it helps me to see you happy!!!! BTW, this idea was inspired by @QueenGlory who complimented me on my end description sentence and I figured other players might want one too, so thanks @QueenGlory !!!! You are the best friend ever, and so is everyone else!!! I love you all!! 😁😁

Pharaoh out! ✌️

Published: 25-08-2020Updated: 25-08-2020


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