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The base raid -Break into the Elite headquarters-

The base raid -Break into the Elite headquarters-


So quick summary, you entered the Elite headquarters, you went for the magical teleporter, you went through traps, and stuff, you thought the magical teleporter was in [Elite]Dangers office so you went there, only to find out, it wasnt, then the Guards took you away to room, the room was silent, dark, (3 day passes by) you were fed and had water, you wanted to check on your base you had on your robot controller, this meant that you could check on your base but as soon as you see yours robots POV, you were shocked. Your base had been raided, you went on to see more...

And this is NOT part 3, its just a summary for what happened

Part 1 by me- https://hiberworld.com/p/2IIMyWo28
Part 2 by @Bunnies_awesome - https://hiberworld.com/p/2ImnoPs2C

Published: 13-09-2020Updated: 13-09-2020


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