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The Trials Part 3 Done With Lies

The Trials Part 3 Done With Lies


You are teleported to a long hallway. You walk down it and it leads to a room where people are studying you. Your upset you hate them for what they have done to you so you run away. You explore and get to a room where you are starting to levitate and you can’t breath all of a sudden you can breath and you fall to the ground. You have a hunch you might not be on earth anymore. You go into a room with a “portal” and people. They tell you that you are in space away from the monsters. Your hunch was right. They also tell you you are an experiment and everything you did was VR and you were never in danger and now you will teach others how to survive on earth so it may be re populated. Check Comments for Rest of the end

Published: 18-03-2020Updated: 18-03-2020


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